Hello, reader

The idea of a blog as a "commonplace," to take a phrase from one of the first blogs I read, is one that's stuck with me. After two years of coding and writing for much longer, I've found that I have things I'd like to remember and things I'd like to share.

There are some features I'd like to add: a changelog for posts and linked tagging come to mind. But that's what iterating is for.

As I worked on creating the initial version of this site, I owe thanks to a number of people:

  • Chris Krycho, for practical advice about creating and maintaining an online presence (modeling iteration especially).
  • James Midzi, for a very thorough tutorial that helped me find the bones of this site.
  • Tom MacWright, for permission to use aspects of his site's design.
  • Evan Travers, for advice about deployment, pointing out gotchas, and general encouragement.

There are many other people I could thank, beyond the scope of acknowledging help received for this particular project. We make jokes about dependencies in software, but dependencies of a deeper kind, along with gratitude and thanksgiving, mark a life. I'm glad to have built something, and I'm thankful you are reading this.